MECACOOL. Round, as if freehand drawn. Unisex. Compact. Versatile. Comic book feel. Nonchalant. Takes life in stride, from all sides. The appeal of youth, regardless of age.
Manufactured in Japan, because the best titanium is made in Japan, MECANIX is a new, all-titanium concept. Inspired by the tubular architecture of the Beaubourg building, in Paris, where the pipes reveal what would normally be hidden. Frames like tools, frames like accessories, frames like technical objects where form meets function, here emphasized. Tenons, noses, bridges, tubular arms: everything is rounded but the face, which is of significant thickness and allows for strong prescriptions and softened shapes. Flat sections, round sections. Contrast. Color. Half-circle arms. The exposed circle clamp is magnified, emphasized, reminiscent of a construction game piece. Arty mood. Atypical. Strong and joyful tones. Humor. Audacity. Uncompromising presence. Obviously unexpected. These frames were designed for assertive, creative personalities. The DNA is thoroughly that of Anne&Valentin: a sense of humor for artists and lovers of the offbeat; fluidity and intelligence for architects and designers.